Sign up here

Be sure to select your skillsets, and include the number of troops in your organization as well as your billing rate and other important information we need to know about your organization.

Sign Up > Step 1 > Enter Company Information
*Company Name:
*First Name:
*Last Name:
*State or:
Federal I.D. (if available) #:

Please select a username and password for your account:
*Type of Business:
 C-Corp.  S-Corp.
 LLC  Partnership  Sole Owner
Other information about your company:
*Is the shipping information the same as the information above?:
Yes No
*Address Type: Commercial Residential




Join Tech-Army

Lead Generating Vendors:

Xponex Media
Web Development
Worldwide IT/AV Technology Rentals
Your Technology Travel Agent
Technology Repairs & Service
Video Surveillance

SMB Business Opportunities

We're looking for a few good techs to help expand our high-quality multimillion dollar worldwide technology network of professionally trained and certified installers, engineers and technicians. However, this is for serious professionals only - only the best need apply. Add your company to the nearly two thousand company members of the Tech-Army Organization.

If you or your company operates in the computer industry, the CCTV or IP security camera industry, av/computer rental industry, homebuilders industry, or you are an independent contractor, tradesman or other technology expert, then consider applying!

Faster, Better and Less Expensive
Help us combat large, expensive and sluggishly bad response times from large 'service' corporations with great service from thousands of SMB companies like yours. SMBs are faster, better and less expensive than the big guys. And since the Tech-Army membership is located in thousands of cities worldwide, our coverage area can not be beat!

See if you and your company qualifies as one of the best computer or av service tech companies on the planet.

Benefits include: